Angela Mendez - Dougherty Family College, University of St. Thomas
Bryana H. French - University of St. Thomas

This presentation is geared toward the process of inoculating the social disease of racism from our collective social DNA. We have been exposed to Racism through an experiential virus that tricked all of us into valuing a group of people over anther group of people. Our exposure to this virus has left us all contaminated. We all pay a heavy cost to this disease. Our mental health, physical health, economic and spiritual health are all negatively impacted by the disease of Racism. This presentation will help us identify the location of the disease within us by sharing our experiences. We will take action against the disease by creating our own oath to help remind us of our purpose to end racism. Lastly, the format of Gathering Circles will be used to encourage dialogue. Please come get your racism vaccine. “To build conference participants’ confidence in being changemakers committed to actions that promote equity building and relationship healing in our communities” 1) We will brainstorm and discuss our own exposure to racist ideology (identify the systems that taught perpetuated racism school, work, religious institution, courts etc.); 2) Name our privileges; 3) Create an oath directed at antiracism. Using, (words, codes, numbers, and symbols); and 4) We plan to make the session interactive by using dialogue and team building